After to have referred to the charisma and the power of Sir Botrytis Cinerea, alias “Noble Rot”, second glimpse about a wine-grower method (a little bit sadistic…) to concentrate the sugar in his wine: the passerillage (“raisining process”). And still without Beghin Say !!!
So why sadistic ? Imagine that you are a grape (yes, do an effort !!!): you born on a vine stock without many friends ! You grow up together, you know your first love, hysterical laught, tears, … together. Moreover, and you don’t know why yet, the wine-grower pampers you, compared to the others grapes, already gone to the pressing…The life is beautiful between sun, new haircut (leaf removal), caress, … You think that you will finish your peaceful days, on that vine stock you love, surround of your dear people, around a good aperitif. Then, you have no doubts about it !
And then, by a beautiful summer morning, while the sun is on the zenith, the kindly wine-grower removes you from your patio to expose you under the sun ! No leaves or the shade of the vine stock, only you and the intense sun ! You think that he made a mistake and he is going to come back to pamper you, like in a good old days. Nay ! You dry out, day after day, your skin withers whereas few days before you were beautiful like a Viognier (I know, because it’s only my favourite… 😉 ). Worst, you dehydrate and start to be diabetic with a abnormally high sugar rate
You skin texture becomes really riped, and while you think your end close, the wine-grower picks and press you !!! And you ask yourself why does he do the late harvest ? Because only some drops of sugar get out from your body…
But while you were on the way towards the press, you had seen your old mates, with a terribly fate ! Already separated of their good old vine stock, they are hung ! Completly sear, only some will resist and give all they have: sugar ! You have the feeling to have been manipulated, pampered by interest: your sugar ! 100kg of your friends-grapes to give only 25 litres of wine, you feel yourself pathetics, compared to the 70 regular litres…And you even have heard, by rumour, that in a special area, Jura, your mates are dried on straw grids, to produce the wine with the same name ! SADISTIC !!!But eventually, shouldn’t we be a little bit ? Who are never regaled with a “vin de paille” from Jura, a late harvest Gewurztraminer or a Xérès Pédro Ximenez ? Admit that, you are guilty !