After all, wine isn’t a male prerogative ! There are some amazing blogs about wine manage by the fair sex: the famous Miss Glouglou (I already talked about her here), the uninhibited writers of Quille des filles (with an hilarious article 8 reasons to open a bottle) or the off-the-wall of La PinardotheK. Then, why women couldn’t be choose wine ? Messrs, let these women be your guide. This is the female version of the previous article: “That your first date shouldn’t be “wine”, choose the good one !”
The eccentric: you have to get off the beaten track ! On this basis, Pinotage from South Africa are a high value. Who is not familiar should try ! Animal and tarred tastes are special: we love or not, but for an eccentric, it’s an ecstasy ! The depressed person: almost all kind of wines because, in any case, he is depressed. EXCEPT “Medoc” (familiar word for “pills” in french).
The narcissistic: you must find a prettier bottle than him. And Cristal of Roederer is a reference. Anecdotally, it was especially designed for the arrogant russian tsar Nicolas II, hurted to drink the same champagne that his court. At the beginning, the bottle is maked up with crystal, doesn’t have a hall on the base of the bottle (even today) because the tsar was scared that someone put an explosive inside and, the white colour to verify if there wasn’t poison. After that, your Narcissus should be fine ! Or if you want to be quiet, select the delicious fruity cuvée from Février, named “Mirror” !
The boho: without any hésitation, an organic wine ! It’s a cliché but it’s common
Then, wine menu to look for that. Famous wine-growers like Humbrecht, Leflaive or Chapoutier are classics but expensives. But now, many good producers have a good value
The sex maniac: here, that you are going to tell will take a new signification. So, the wine will be your best partner: “I love this Australian Shiraz for his robust and male body. Its “animal” aromas captivate me, and what can I say about it leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenght in my mouth ! Hummmmmmm…” The dinner should be short…
Le “self-important person”: for him, everything is already won. He is arrogant, too much… Show him who is the boss !!! Everything depends of the choice of your wine. Select a disgusting wine and a small bottle (37,5 l). For example: “beaujolais nouveau”. Taste and say: “This wine is flabby, with a skinny body, with canvasser aromas of fruits without any lenght. So, no interest.” He will answer: “But why you chose this one ?” The finale: “Because I like to select a bottle according to my partner: small (Note: that’s why 37,5l) and bad ! When I think that yesterday I chose a magnum of Pauillac…”
The adventurer: if you can, take a look towards the foreign wines. He will feel like home, you could start a discussion about travel and let’s go ! However, try to choose a country that you know already: the Sauvignon from Cloudy Bay (New-Zealand) possesses a high acidity and intense fruits, the Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa valley is tannic with candied fruits, whereas the Merlot from Chili (Maipo Valley, Colchaqual) is more gourmet with herbaceaous hints. Be careful about the choice of the country, some are more heavenly than others !
“Fall in love”: to conclude, as for the previous article, he is here, without warning, : THE big love ! Be natural, in harmony with yourself to be comfortable. In my mind, I already talked of one of my favourite in the male version: the viognier. But I have to confess that Meursault is one of my classic AOC. Discover with Olivier Leflaive, I can’t live without ! Admittedly, it’s fat, brioche and buttered, but if the dinner doesn’t work, I could think that Meursault, it, doesn’t dissapointed me…
Super ce blog! On n’est jamais déçu! En particulier , j’aime beaucoup la relation vin/ premier – ou pas- rendez vous….. Continue ainsi Anthony….. Une facette de toi qu’on ne connaissait pas….
Merci ! Cette version féminine t’est également destinée, pour que tu choisisses à ton prochain RDV ! Ça te fera sourire
Wooouuuaaahoooou! Pour moi c’est tout choisi! A soirée d’exception, boisson d’exception! Et puis comme tu le dis si bien, si la soirée n’est pas réussie, il me restera l’ivresse!!
Donc pour moi ce sera le Cristal Roederer pour la jolie histoire ( celle du tsar…) et pour les bulles.
Bravo pour ton site, même moi qui n’aime pas le vin je le trouve drôle et instructif.
Ça m’étonne pas ! Mais n’oublie pas que c’est toi qui paye
Merci pour les encouragements et ça va peut-être te motiver à devenir “vino-alcoolique” !